Without fuel and refuel power-producing unit
In balance of today's world energetic of 35 % occupies oil, 25 % - coal, 22 % - gas, 10 % - nuclear power and only 8 % - renewed natural energy sources.
Under forecasts of the experts, ACCESSIBLE oil on the Earth will suffice only to 2030 (opinion of pessimists) - 2050 (opinion of optimists) year; anyway, oil stocks on a planet promptly decrease: from 1150 reconnoitered all over the world gigabarrels oil for today "are extorted" not less than 900, and now daily extract on 80 megabarrels. Forecasts on natural gas: its stocks the oil barrel will suffice till 2080 Besides, by 2015 will cost more than $150, and 1000 "cubes" of gas - more than $600)....
However there is one more power threat to mankind. Against loud (and Proved) statements of scientists for future global warming, it is necessary to listen at least to alternative opinions. So, the outstanding Serbian astronomer and the geophysicist of XX century Milutin Milancovich has developed the theory of periodicity of glacial ages (so-called "cycles Milancovich"). According to this theory, the climate of the Earth, including the periods of formation and thawing of glaciers, correspond to global carbon cycles and cycles of changes of an orbit of the Earth. On the basis of it a number of outstanding scientists of Europe and the USA have come to a conclusion that approximately in 2015 on our planet slow fall of temperature will begin, and in 2055-2060 there will come a global cold snap which 50-60 years will last approximately. After that there will come a new cycle - a warming cycle. To similar conclusions at researches of changes of a stream of sunlight the manager has come recently. Sector of space researches of an observatory of Russian Academy of Sciences Kh. Abdusamatov.
Therefore the next 25-30 years it is sharply necessary for world community to carry out "power revolution".
The decision of this problem probably already today
What alternatives exist oil at present to satisfy needs of mankind in energy and thus not to endanger ecology. The core it:
1. Sunlight on an earth surface
2. Sinks of the rivers, sea waves and inflow
3. A wind
4. "A green" waste, animal industries and poultry farming waste, economic-home sinks
5. Earth bowels (thermal waters)
... But we can offer a pattern not that that can give energy without using anything from the aforesaid and not to use at all priming than or. This setting is mobile, compact and isn't expensive in manufacture, ecologically on 100 % is safe and thus possesses the big energetic possibilities.
Under forecasts of the experts, ACCESSIBLE oil on the Earth will suffice only to 2030 (opinion of pessimists) - 2050 (opinion of optimists) year; anyway, oil stocks on a planet promptly decrease: from 1150 reconnoitered all over the world gigabarrels oil for today "are extorted" not less than 900, and now daily extract on 80 megabarrels. Forecasts on natural gas: its stocks the oil barrel will suffice till 2080 Besides, by 2015 will cost more than $150, and 1000 "cubes" of gas - more than $600)....
However there is one more power threat to mankind. Against loud (and Proved) statements of scientists for future global warming, it is necessary to listen at least to alternative opinions. So, the outstanding Serbian astronomer and the geophysicist of XX century Milutin Milancovich has developed the theory of periodicity of glacial ages (so-called "cycles Milancovich"). According to this theory, the climate of the Earth, including the periods of formation and thawing of glaciers, correspond to global carbon cycles and cycles of changes of an orbit of the Earth. On the basis of it a number of outstanding scientists of Europe and the USA have come to a conclusion that approximately in 2015 on our planet slow fall of temperature will begin, and in 2055-2060 there will come a global cold snap which 50-60 years will last approximately. After that there will come a new cycle - a warming cycle. To similar conclusions at researches of changes of a stream of sunlight the manager has come recently. Sector of space researches of an observatory of Russian Academy of Sciences Kh. Abdusamatov.
Therefore the next 25-30 years it is sharply necessary for world community to carry out "power revolution".
The decision of this problem probably already today
What alternatives exist oil at present to satisfy needs of mankind in energy and thus not to endanger ecology. The core it:
1. Sunlight on an earth surface
2. Sinks of the rivers, sea waves and inflow
3. A wind
4. "A green" waste, animal industries and poultry farming waste, economic-home sinks
5. Earth bowels (thermal waters)
... But we can offer a pattern not that that can give energy without using anything from the aforesaid and not to use at all priming than or. This setting is mobile, compact and isn't expensive in manufacture, ecologically on 100 % is safe and thus possesses the big energetic possibilities.
Without fuel and refuel power-producing unit
There are lot of problems in human being of life which define some aspect of their life by concentrating attention at very important sphere been determining all of state of their life as necessary. We can say that by regarding these aspects of life we are been concentrating main attention at the very vital aspect and this is – an energy. By been telling of about this problem it would be necessary to notice that there are many energetic systems (by surely excepting, of course, hydraulic, atomic energetic systems because of another functioning conception of these systems depending of some of argument), which are based, generally, on heat, including and such alternative energy as like as: wind energy; hydrogen energy; sunny energy. In accordance on vital fact as it may be the reason of thrifty attitude of expending of such main source as it is – an oil and the point of view on an ecological problem which becomes more and more as vital also day by day, it would be in a good time to say about the energy been functioning as the system of engine and as energetic sphere by exposing the energetic sources of not only no fuel but and as no refueling energetic system based on autonomous functioning by no joint to surrounding sphere. So, by concerning such kind of sphere being even active in all conditions of life, this energetic source, of course, would be suitable for using as the vital thing.
By telling of an essence, saying exactly, of gist of this energetic conception it is the system been functioning by being replenished and after moved entirely autonomous time by time. It is the very specific system requiring nothing of any of interfering of outside by staying as potential at the same time producing continuously energy. It may been functioning as the generator by making electricity and the engine as transporting sphere too. At the same time which is the very important – the system may be assembled in accordance on necessity of using. Concerning aspects of dimensions – it may be assembled in different sizes in reason of using situations.
By being fixed on replenishment and after moving, this system staying as the very active it continuously makes energy, which may be little and great by occupying not so much of spheres. As an example it may be exposed that at aria of 13-30 m2, we can have 100-500 Mw of energy by staying active as it should. Thus, resuming above all of mentioned it would be necessary to underline of about the importance of ecology and of thrifty expending of oil which, of course, is not endless.
By telling of an essence, saying exactly, of gist of this energetic conception it is the system been functioning by being replenished and after moved entirely autonomous time by time. It is the very specific system requiring nothing of any of interfering of outside by staying as potential at the same time producing continuously energy. It may been functioning as the generator by making electricity and the engine as transporting sphere too. At the same time which is the very important – the system may be assembled in accordance on necessity of using. Concerning aspects of dimensions – it may be assembled in different sizes in reason of using situations.
By being fixed on replenishment and after moving, this system staying as the very active it continuously makes energy, which may be little and great by occupying not so much of spheres. As an example it may be exposed that at aria of 13-30 m2, we can have 100-500 Mw of energy by staying active as it should. Thus, resuming above all of mentioned it would be necessary to underline of about the importance of ecology and of thrifty expending of oil which, of course, is not endless.
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